Mar 26, 2020
Panicking about the factual things that are happening in the world isn’t serving you, and so today, I’m taking it back to basics and showing you how the thought model applies to this crisis, so that you can be more effective and productive in your life.
Mar 19, 2020
Listen in this week as I share my thoughts on run streaks and how you can do them safely. I’m recommending three modifications you can implement if a run streak is something you want to do so that you get all the fun out of it without risking injury.
Mar 12, 2020
Becoming a runner is super easy. All you have to do is get out and run. That said, I’m sharing my five steps to getting started so that you don’t go out there without any knowledge and end up quitting on yourself before you’ve barely started. Applying these tips are going to ensure that your runs feel great every...
Mar 5, 2020
Being on the wagon, off the wagon, on track or off track, this metaphorical idea is actually keeping you stuck if you subscribe to it in your life. Listen in this week to learn why the mental shift of letting this concept go is so crucial to your growth in the long-term, and how holding onto it is actually perfectionist...