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Not Your Average Runner, A Running Podcast

May 26, 2022

Discover the biggest challenges you’re facing as a larger-bodied runner, and how to get yourself up and running anyway. I’m sharing all of the physical and mental obstacles you’ll come across as you start your running journey, along with my practical tips to stop these challenges from getting in your way.



May 19, 2022

What exactly does it mean to be a consistent exerciser? This week, I show you what consistent exercise really looks like and invite you to question how different your running experience could be if you allowed space for adaptation and the ebb and flow of all the inevitable challenges we’ll have to navigate in...

May 12, 2022

Summer is almost here, and this is the time of year a lot of folks decide to start running or step up their training with a race in mind. So, this week I’m giving you three mindset hacks to help you stay motivated because even though now is a great time to start running, staying motivated isn’t always easy.



May 5, 2022

This week, my guest is the fabulous Judith Gaton, a style and life coach for curvy women who teaches them how to dress and love the body they’re in right now. She's back on the podcast to discuss how to feel comfortable showing as much or as little skin or spandex as you want to, and how to handle situations where you...