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Not Your Average Runner, A Running Podcast

Oct 3, 2024

Hey, hey, my runner friend. Today we are going to focus on your breathing. Your breathing is a direct indicator of your effort level.

When your breathing feels controlled and relaxed, it means your effort level is right in the sweet spot. And when it feels like you can't catch your breath, you are probably working above...

Sep 26, 2024

Hey, hey, my runner friend. Well, it's official after a long hiatus. I am back with new episodes and I have missed you. So I'm changing things up a bit and trying a new format. So instead of longer episodes where I do a deep dive into a topic, I'm going to do these short pep talks, sort of just long enough to get you...

Sep 19, 2024

Tune in this week as I tell the story of the half marathon that changed my life. I’m sharing why signing up for a race is never going to provide enough motivation to carry you through months of training, and you’ll discover the impact that you can have on the world just by showing up for yourself in a new way.



Sep 12, 2024

This week's topic is something I'm sure all of you will be familiar with: procrastination. There is a lot of mind drama related to it and it's something we need to address because there's a good chance you're just lying to yourself. Today, I'm exploring why we procrastinate and how all these thoughts you tell yourself...

Sep 5, 2024

Join me this week as I show you how you can get different results with your running. They don’t just happen by accident or by a miracle, but it can be done. It’s not going to feel good all the time, but exploring how you can start taking the steps will give you the momentum to keep going and you will see the...