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Not Your Average Runner, A Running Podcast

Dec 31, 2020

Join me this week as we say goodbye to 2020 and get prepped for 2021 with tips and hacks to make running easy and invigorating! No matter your running experience, I promise you’re going to get something out of this episode, so listen in and get moving.

Get full show notes and more information here:

Dec 24, 2020

Join me on the podcast this week as I share my three steps to level up your running in 2021. I’m sharing why this process of leveling up doesn’t have to take place at any specific time of year, and I'm simplifying the process to make it more achievable and less overwhelming, for whatever you’re running towards...

Dec 17, 2020

Listen in this week as I urge you to get messy and allow yourself to make mistakes as you think about what you want to achieve going forward. So many of you believe that missing a training day, ruining a run streak, or slipping on a goal is the end of the world, and I want to show you why the skill of making mistakes is...

Dec 10, 2020

Join Bethany and I on the podcast this week as we dive into her journey as a runner so far and dig into how she overcame the obstacles that seemed to keep coming up for her. 2020 has thrown a spanner in the works for many of us, and Bethany is the perfect example of someone who sees possibility everywhere and doesn’t...

Dec 3, 2020

Join me on the podcast this week to discover what’s going on when we believe that our tendency to half-ass things somehow makes us a failure. I’m sharing where selective half-assing and procrastination have actually served me, and how you can see where the ability to be comfortable doing B- work could actually be...